Jonathan's face

Thanks for dropping by. Hope you had a chance to look at my work. Here's a little bit more info about myself.

I am currently a designer at Apple where I help shape the way developer teams work and evolve their process. Before Apple, I worked with different types of organizations and worked on projects involving airport operations, carrier billing management, and rail transportation.

My interest in design started when I stumbled upon a course on web design and programming during my teenage years. I fell in love with the craft and the medium. There was something fun and magical about organizing information and designing interactions, and being able to continuously make the work better.

My post-secondary studies in the School of Interactive Arts and Technologies at Simon Fraser University and my internships expanded my horizons about what design is and how to use its methodologies to solve problems.

In my spare time, you will likely find me exercising, playing sports such as badminton and volleyball, reading a good book, volunteering, and learning new things.

My Resume